Master Foodeh
Masterfoodeh Food Industries Company was established in 2012 based on the achievements gained from extensive researches in the chewing gum industry and through adopting the latest manufacturing and packaging systems in 10000 square meter factory in accordance with international standards for food and pharmaceutical projects. The machinery and equipment of this company are supplied from renowned and professional European manufacturers of related industries such as Germany and Italy. We are proud to be among the few reputable companies in the world that have the infrastructure and requirements for GMP, GHP and GLP to produce high quality food products.
All facilities and laboratory equipment of Masterfoodeh are allocated according to GLP standards and the SOP method has been developed for all the experiments that all the laboratory staff follow its guidelines and procedures. The Masterfoodeh lab is one of the few laboratories in the chewing gum industry that is equipped with Chromatography, Spectrophotometry, Rheometer, Osmometers, Viscometer, Potentiometer, Quality control, analysis and validation methods to evaluate raw materials and final products.
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