Golrang System

Golrang System


Golrang System has been operating since 2014 as the scientific arm of Golrang Industrial Group. This company operates in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with the purpose of providing information technology solutions to help increase the efficiency and profitability of Golrang Industrial Group.

Due to the increasing use of information technology in the industry and the process of moving companies towards globalization, Golrang System provides advanced IT solutions in a variety of areas from integrated ERP systems, intelligent systems, web applications, Mobile, and so on

Golrang System tries to provide the integration of systems, project management, and technical and consulting services by focusing on information and communication technology in various industries with unique diversity.

One of The important achievement of Golrang System Company is to be in the list of knowledge-based companies at the discretion of the Vice President for Science and Technology by producing the GNG Framework product.

Date of establishment


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