
Golrang Industrial Group

Golrang Industrial Group is a dynamic economic corporation, operating in various areas of investment. In addition to producing consumer goods over the years, this industrial group has also been active in foreign investment and international trade including imports of cosmetics and beauty products.

This industrial group relies on the constant efforts of the private sector. It owns 100 active brands and consists of more than 120 subsidiaries, operating in regional, national and international levels, and in diverse fields of business, including Hygiene and detergent, food industries, pharmaceutical industries, cellulose industry, distribution and sales, cosmetics, construction, international trading services, printing and packaging, insurance services, transportation, manufacturing polymer and plastic products, educational services, information technology, industrial kitchen equipment, …

At present, more than 45,000 employees are working in Golrang Industrial Group and its vision is to be among the top 500 corporations worldwide by 2030, in a way that 60% of sales of this industrial group belongs to overseas and international trade.

Over the years, we at Golrang Industrial Group have managed to create dozens of famous brands in various industries actives in various economic fields. Almost all Iranians and some regional and international consumers are familiar with many of our brands such as Golrang, Avé, Softlan, Oila, Famila, Active, Biodent, Barlie, Nancy, Home plus, Merci, Merident, Action,Kimball, and Suntin.

Offer and sell more than one billion product units per year, production of more than 120 product categories, the growth rate of more than three times higher than of the industry, within the past 20 years, investment of more than 400 billion Rials in order to equip and develop research laboratories, and many other items are among the capabilities of Golrang Industrial Group.

Our products and services are currently exported to 95 countries around the world, and based on our growth strategy, we strive to increase the number of these destinations every year.